Ignited Fitness

Jamie & Lee Engelking

We are excited to be a part of an awesome, healing and supportive community! We are currently in the process of re-branding and grateful to have the support of our community as part of this next step!!!


  • Fitness Kickboxing Classes
  • Styku 3D Body Scans
  • Special Member Events
  • Challenges
  • Community Events

GOL Member Only Discounts:

Business Mission

Our mission is to empower the people of Treasure Valley through the therapeutic power of kickboxing. We are here to build a happy, supportive community of like minded individuals who are interested in self development and in becoming the best version of themselves.

What inspired you to start your business?

We were inspired to open an ilovekickboxing in Boise because we wanted to bring the support, the empowerment and the awesome workout to the people of Boise. We had been working at an ILKB in the Seattle area and we had already seen the power that this community could have and we were excited to bring this to Idaho!

What brings you joy?

We love hearing about the stories of growth that our members experience from attending classes. Hearing how a member started out feeling like they were scared or weren’t able to make it through class to the journey of seeing them believe in themselves and see their confidence grow into an unstoppable part of them is the most awesome thing. It never gets old!