Natural Health Improvement Center of Idaho

Gerald Roliz, CNC, MBA, MSACN

This is the place to connect with other like minded colleagues and those on their personal health journey. When I want to hang with my tribe, the people of GOL are it.


  • Funtional Nutrition
  • Nutrition Response Testing
  • Hormone Testing
  • Heart Sound Recorder
  • Bioscan SRT

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Business Mission

Our mission is to help as many people become healthy and happy. We offer safe, natural solutions to many health problems. We implement Functional Nutrition because the healing body can only rebuild itself with genuine replacement building blocks, from nutrient dense food & herbs.

What inspired you to start your business?

The Natural Health Improvement Center is a home for us to train clinicians and help others address the 6 barriers to healing (scars, heavy metals, chemicals, biotoxins, food sensitivities, nutrient deficiency). As a former pharmaceutical sales representative turned nutritionist, I find it appalling that conventional medical doctors prescribe chemicals to suppress symptoms. I’m inspired by my mentors to help others to find the root causes and then enable each person to address them. Naturally.

What brings you joy?

I find JOY in everything closest to nature. The process of healing is natural when the right things are done in the right order in the right amounts. I find JOY in seeing parents transform their health to improve their daily capabilities and then do what they can to ensure their children reach their full potential. I find JOY in knowing there are others on this planet who are working to improve the quality of food, water, and air we rely on for survival.