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Personal Journey Community Membership

Join the Personal Journey Membership and discover an unparalleled experience with phenomenal individuals!

  • STEP 1: Sign-up below. No application is needed.
  • STEP 2: Get registered for upcoming events!
  • STEP 3: Receive your personal ambassador badge & share GOL with others!

Personal Journey Membership – Yearly

$299.00 / year and a $25.00 sign-up fee

  • Designed for the seekers of community, authentic connections, and educational opportunities on all things healing!
  • Upon Sign-up completion, you will: #1: Receive a personalized Ambassador Card #2: Be enrolled into our Next Steps Welcome Campaign – initial emails on how to get connected in GOL! #3: Have access to our 5+ events each month, the GOL Education Portal, and the GOL Discount Program!
Note: A minimum commitment of 3-months is required for all Personal Journey Memberships.  A one-time $25 enrollment fee is billed in the 1st month with your initial sign-up.

Personal Journey Membership – Monthly

$29.00 / month and a $25.00 sign-up fee

  • Designed for the seekers of community, authentic connections, and educational opportunities on all things healing!
  • Upon Sign-up completion, you will: #1: Receive a personalized Ambassador Card #2: Be enrolled into our Next Steps Welcome Campaign – initial emails on how to get connected in GOL! #3: Have access to our 5+ events each month, the GOL Education Portal, and the GOL Discount Program!
Note: A minimum commitment of 3-months is required for all Personal Journey Memberships.  A one-time $25 enrollment fee is billed in the 1st month with your initial sign-up.